Shadrack Msengi, President
Joyce Jeewek, Treasurer
Kathleen Liace, Membership
Kristen Stombres, Scholarship Chair
CIRP Bylaws - Chartered March 1974 |
Upcoming Event
February 22, 2025: College Instructors of Reading Professionals (CIRP) is accepting applications for Student Conference Stipends for education majors who attend the 2025 IRC Conference. Applicants must be full-time education majors attending a college or university in Illinois. A limited number of $50 stipends will be awarded. Winners will be notified by email by March 3rd.
March 13-14, 2025: Illinois Reading Council will host the 56th Annual IRC Conference in Springfield, Illinois. Please take a moment to peruse the highlights planned for 2025.
March 13, 2025: College Instructors of Reading Professionals (CIRP) will host the CIRP Reception and Board Meeting at the IRC Conference.
For more information about the upcoming events, email the council president.