Standing Committees

Budget, Finance, and Strategic

Melissa Stinnett, Chair

Bylaws, Policies and Procedures

Deb Augsburger, Co-Chairs
Julie Hoffman, Co-Chairs


Cindi Koudelka, Chair

District PD

Julie Hoffman, Chair


Donna Herman, Chair


Julie Hoffman, Chair

Organization/Council Bylaws

Amy Davis, Chair

Personnel and Grievance Committee

Melissa Stinnett, Chair


Special Committees

Advocacy Committee

Jennifer Martin, Chair

Book Club

Stephanie Benson, Chair

Educational Media

Sheila Ruh, Chair

Family Literacy

Barbara Ashton, Chair

ILA Exemplary Reading Program

Diana Wilkie, Chair

Illinois Reads

Sherry Sejnost, Chair

International Projects

Carol Owles, Chair

Jerry Johns Reading Educator
of the Year Award

Melissa Wheeler, Chair

Literacy Support Grants

Teresa Burdin, Chair

Obama Literacy Fund

Jena Kent, Chair

Prairie State Award Committee

Cindy Wilson, Chair

Professional Learning and Development Committee

Laura Beltchenko, Chair

Publicity and Publications Committee

Sherry Sejnost, Chair



ISBE Liaison                      

Kimberly Johnson

ISLMA Liaison

Leslie Forsman

Rebecca Caudill Award

Ruth Gheysen


Editor of IRC Journal

Roxanne Owens

Editor of IRC Communicator

Marjorie Henseler

If you are a member and would like to join one of the above IRC Committees, it is recommended to directly contact the President of your Local or Special Interest Council.  You can become more involved with IRC and your Council by requesting to be the Council's committee representative. 

Otherwise, you can also submit the REQUEST TO JOIN A COMMITTEE.  This request will be shared with the IRC Committee Chair and your Council President.

For more information, contact us at [email protected].