Elizabeth Goldsmith-Conley, President Pat Brown, Secretary Mary K Thompson, Treasurer Barbara Ragheb, Membership
Jaclyn Turner, Past President
Illini Bylaws - Chartered June 1969
Upcoming Events
March 13-14, 2025: Illinois Reading Council will host the 56th Annual IRC Conference in Springfield, Illinois. Please take a moment to peruse the highlights planned for 2025.
May 3, 2025: Illini Reading Council and Vermilion Valley Reading Council will host Blended/Flipped: Using Technology to Differentiate Literacy Lessons with Tim Wheeler from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at Champaign Public Library, Robeson Pavilion Room C, 200 West Green Street, Champaign, Illinois.
For more information about the upcoming Illini events, email the council president.