Summer 2024      Volume 52, Number 3

Professional Development: Becoming a Rebellious Literacy Teacher
By Sophie Degener, Adelfio Garcia, Ivy Sitkoski, and Martin Mireles

Document: Column  

Introductory Paragraph:  Summer is just settling in schools across Illinois. It is time to invite new and renewed thinking about the lessons we learned from the students we instructed this past school year to refresh our ideas and motivation for the upcoming class. Well! The editors of this column have resources for you to think about and consider while you are sipping that delicious summer drink wherever you are. Becoming a rebellious literacy teacher is the aim of the resources we describe below. To do this, expanding the ideas of comprehension, vocabulary, and ideas for writing may be considered as discussed in Adelfio’s review. Martin offers a reflective column for teachers (bilingual and monolingual) across the state when considering referring students to receive special services; he provides many points that will make you put your drink down or take a double sip while reading his book recommendation. Ivy dived into the expansion of ideas that read-alouds can be applied to make visible social justice to students while engaging in their framework to continue to support consciousness awareness while sustaining literacy learning. Finally, in Sophie’s review, representation in children’s literature and the importance of utilizing rebellious read-alouds are discussed. As you plan your well-deserved summer, invite a teacher or two over to join in and discuss our book recommendations. Who knows? You may actually become a rebellious literacy teacher. Editor’s Note: This will be Martin Mireles’s last contribution to the “Professional Development” column. On behalf of the IRCJ Editorial Board, we thank him for his service!


Page Numbers:   50-54

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